Lessons about Making Predictions with Informational Text

The ability to make predictions while reading is an important component of reading comprehension. We’ve highlighted three lessons that provide opportunities for students to make predictions from informational text in print and on the web.

Lessons about Visualizing with Informational Text

This article highlights lesson plans that teach the reading comprehension strategy of visualizing with informational text. Lessons are aligned to the NCTE/IRA standards for the English Language Arts.

Lessons about Inferring

This article describes five lessons that help elementary students develop the skill of making inferences. Each lesson is aligned to the NCTE/IRA Standards for the English Language Arts.

Lessons about Asking, Answering Questions

This article links to and describes lessons that help students learn to pose questions before, during, and after reading.

Lessons about Evaluating

This article describes and links to four lessons that allow elementary students to practice evaluating information from text.

Making Connections with Literacy Lessons

This article lists and describes five lessons that help elementary students make text-to-text, text-to-self, and text-to-world connections to nonfiction text. Lessons are aligned to the NCTE/IRA Standards for the English Language Arts.

Lessons for Summarizing, Synthesizing Text

This article highlights lessons that help elementary students learn to summarize and synthesize information from text. Lessons are aligned to the NCTE/IRA Standards.